The objective of this game is to move cards to the foundations. The starting rank of the foundation is determined by the rank of the first card placed on the first foundation. Figure 1
Cards from the tableau, waste pile, and reserve can be moved to the foundation. Cards placed on the foundation must be of the same suit and one rank higher than the previous card. The sequence follows a circular order, with a king followed by an ace. Pressing the stock flips cards onto the waste pile. Figure 2
Cards from the waste pile and reserve can be moved to a tableau column. The moved card must be one rank lower than the top card of the tableau column and of the opposite color (red on black or black on red). Figure 3
If the bottom card of one tableau column and the top of another form a valid sequence, they can be connected. Figure 4
The top card of a tableau column can be moved to another tableau column. Figure 5
When the stock pile is depleted, pressing the redeal button returns the waste pile to the stock. Figure 6
If a tableau column becomes empty, a card is drawn from the reserve to fill the space. If the reserve is empty, any card may be placed in the empty tableau column. Figure 7
The game ends when all cards are moved to the foundations. Figure 8
Sets the number of cards drawn from the stock pile.
Three cards
One card
One card with two redeals
Sets the rule for stacking cards in tableau columns.