Klaberjass is a trick-taking game for two players, played with 32 cards that include aces and cards from 7 and above. Press the Play button to start the game (Fig. 1). Figure 1
Deal and Bidding
Each player is dealt six cards, and one card is turned over at the end of the deal. The white frame on the scoreboard in the upper left indicates the dealer. The first bidding starts with the non-dealer. When it is your turn, the Take and Pass buttons will appear (Fig. 2). If you press the Take button, the suit of the upcard becomes the trump suit. If you press the Pass button, your turn passes to the next player. Figure 2
If all players pass, the second bidding begins. During the bidding, players can either choose the trump suit or pass (Fig. 3). If all players pass in the second bidding, the dealer changes, and the cards are redealt. Figure 3
A player who makes a trump suit is called a maker. The white frame on the scoreboard indicates the maker. If a trump suit is selected, each player is dealt three cards, which are added to their hand. The bottom card of the remaining cards is turned up.
The seven of trumps is called Dix. If you have Dix in your hand, the Exchange and Cancel buttons will appear (Fig. 4). Press the Exchange button to exchange the Dix for the upcard, or press the Cancel button to keep it in your hand. Figure 4
A sequence of 3 or more cards of the same suit is worth 20 points for 3 cards and 50 points for 4 or more cards. A player can earn points by showing a sequence to their opponent. If both players have a sequence, the one with the higher points is considered valid. If the points are equal, the player with the card of the highest rank in the sequences wins. Furthermore, in the case of a tie, the sequence of trumps wins. If they are still the same, no points are awarded. If a player has additional sequences after declaring one, they can declare those as well. If a player declaring a sequence is a dealer, they declare it after the non-dealer leads a card to the first trick. When you have a sequence, you will see a screen like Figure 5. Press the center button to proceed. Basically, cards are selected automatically, but you can change the combination of the sequence by selecting cards in your hand. Figure 5
A non-dealer leads a card to the first trick. A player must follow suit if possible. If a player has a stronger card than the led card, they must win. Otherwise, they may discard any card. The player who leads or follows the highest card wins the trick. The card strength is as follows.
Table 1
Rank (High→Low)
J (Jass) > 9 (Menel) > A > 10 > K > Q > 8 > 7
A > 10 > K > Q > J > 9 > 8 > 7
Each card has points as shown in the following table.
Table 2
Jass (Jack of trumps)
Menel (9 of trumps)
9, 8, 7
On your turn, select one card from your hand and press the white frame (Fig. 6). Figure 6
If a player holds the king and queen of trumps, they can declare Bella and receive 20 points. In this application, the points are automatically added when a player leads or follows the second card.
Last Trick
The player who wins the last trick receives 10 points.
End of Deal
The deal ends after nine tricks, and the Score dialog is displayed (Fig. 7). If a maker has more points than their opponent, each player retains their own points. Conversely, if a maker has fewer points than their opponent, the maker earns zero points, and the opponent receives the sum of their own points and those of the maker. If both have the same points, the maker earns zero points, and the opponent retains their own points. Figure 7
You can view a score sheet and trick history by pressing the buttons in the Score dialog (Fig. 8). The score sheet can be accessed by pressing the scoreboard in the upper left. Figure 8
End of Game
The game ends when someone reaches 500 points (Fig. 9). Figure 9
If the Schmeiss option is enabled, the Schmeiss button is displayed when bidding (Fig. 10). You can request the opponent to redeal by pressing the Shmeiss button. If the opponent accepts, the dealer is changed, and cards are redealt. If the opponent refuses, the player who declared shmeiss selects the trump and becomes the maker. Figure 10
Set the behavior of Schmeiss.
Request a redeal from the opponent, and if refused, play with any chosen trump.
Request a redeal from the opponent, and if refused, play with the current trump.
Give the opponent the option to play with the current trump or request a redeal.
Equal Meld
Set the treatment of points when declaring a sequence to each other and when both have the same strength. You can select either "Neither scores" or "Elder scores".
Equal Score
Set the treatment of points when the deal points for each player are equal.
The maker scores nothing.
The winner of the next deal scores.
Automated Meld
If enabled, a sequence is automatically selected.
Automatic Card Flipping
If enabled, cards automatically flip over at the end of each trick. If disabled, they flip over by pressing the device screen.
Trick Arrow
Sets whether to show the trick arrow.
Card Selection
If "Once" is selected, a card is selected by pressing it once when leading it to a trick. If "Twice" is selected, you need to press the white frame after selecting a card.
Sorting Hand
Configures the sorting of your hand.
Rearranging Hand
If enabled, the cards in your hand can be swapped.
If enabled, you can select a card by flicking it when leading it to a trick.
Sets whether to display the scoreboard.
Point Counter
Sets whether to display the point counter.
(All players, South player, Disabled)