Card Games


Euchre is a trick-taking game. Press the Play button to start the game (Fig. 1).
Figure 1
Deal and Bidding
Five cards are dealt to each player. At the end of the deal, one card is turned over. The white frame on the scoreboard in the upper left indicates the dealer. The first bidding starts with the forehand and continues clockwise. When it is your turn, the Order and Pass buttons will appear (Fig. 2). If you press the Order button, the suit of the upcard becomes the trump suit. If you press the Pass button, your turn passes to the next player.
Figure 2
If all players pass, the second bidding begins. During the bidding, players can either choose the trump suit or pass (Fig. 3).
Figure 3
A player who makes a trump suit is called a maker. The white frame on the scoreboard indicates the maker. If a trump is made during the first bidding, the dealer can exchange the upcard with any other card in their hand. If you are the dealer, select one card and press the Discard button (Fig. 4).
Figure 4
Players are divided into two teams: north and south, and east and west. If you become a maker, the Play and Alone buttons will appear (Fig. 5). You can opt to play alone by pressing the Alone button.
Figure 5
The forehand leads a card at the opening lead. If "alone" is selected, the left player of a maker leads a card. Players follow cards in a clockwise direction. They must follow suit if possible. Otherwise, they may discard any card. On your turn, select one card from your hand and press the white frame (Fig. 6).
Figure 6
The player who leads or follows the highest card wins the trick. The card strength is as follows.
Table 1
Rank (High→Low)
Trump J > J (Left Bower) > A > K > Q > J > 10 > 9
Non-trump A > K > Q > J > 10 > 9
The jack of trumps is called a right bower, while the jack of the same color as the trump is called a left bower. For example, if spades are the trump, the jack of clubs becomes the left bower. A trump card is stronger than a non-trump card. If a player follows the led card with a non-trump card, the player loses. Otherwise, the strength is as per Table 1.
End of Deal
The deal ends after five tricks, and the Score dialog is displayed (Fig. 7).
Figure 7
If makers win three or more tricks, they are awarded points. Otherwise, the defenders receive points (Table 2).
Table 1
Makers wins Makers Defenders
0-2 (euchre) +2
3-4 +1
5 (march) +2
5 (alone march) +4
You can view a score sheet and trick history by pressing the buttons in the Score dialog (Fig. 8).
Figure 8
The score sheet can be accessed by pressing the scoreboard in the upper left (Fig. 9).
Figure 9
End of Game
The game ends when a team reaches 10 points (Fig. 10).
Figure 10

There are several other variations: Two-Handed Euchre, Three-Handed Euchre, and Call-Ace Euchre (Fig. 11).
Figure 11
Two-Handed Euchre
This variant is for two players. The basic rules are the same as Euchre.
Three-Handed Euchre
This variant is for three players. The basic rules are the same as Euchre. There is one maker and two defenders.
Call-Ace Euchre
This variant is for four players. After the bidding, the maker chooses a suit (Fig. 12). The player holding the ace of the chosen suit becomes the partner of the maker. If no one has the ace, the player with the highest-ranking card (e.g., K, Q, …) of the suit becomes the partner. If the maker has aces in the hand, they cannot choose the suits of the aces. Moreover, if the upcard is an ace, the suit of the ace cannot be chosen. If "alone" is selected, the maker plays without a partner.
Figure 12
The scoring method is the same as Euchre (Fig. 13).
Figure 13

Exchanging Cards
When the "Ace No Face" option or "Farmer's Hand" option is enabled, players may have the opportunity to exchange cards. If you want to exchange cards in this case, select three cards and press the Exchange button (Fig. 14).
Figure 14




Sets the variant.
(Two-Handed Euchre, Three-Handed Euchre, Euchre, Call-Ace Euchre)

Target Score

Sets the target score.


Sets the number of decks.

  • 24 (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9)
  • 28 (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8)
  • 32 (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7)

Benny (Best Bower)

Sets Benny as the strongest card.
(Joker, two of spades, Disabled)

Upturned Benny

Sets the trump suit when an upcard is Benny. If "Naming Trump" is set, players choose the trump suit or pass. If "Dealer must play" is set, the dealer must declare the trump suit.
(Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, "Naming Trump (blind)", "Naming Trump", "Dealer must play", Redeal)

No Trump

If enabled, players can select "No Trump" when declaring the trump suit.

Stick the Dealer

If enabled, when no one declares the trump suit, the dealer must declare it.

Robson Rules

If enabled, Robson Rules are applied: A team that takes all five tricks has the option of reducing or adding points. If an upcard is a jack, the dealer can declare "alone" with the blind hand. If the dealer successfully takes all the tricks, five points are awarded. If the dealer fails to take all the tricks, the defenders get one point.

Farmer's Hand

If enabled, Farmer's Hand rule is applied. Farmer's Hand is a hand without a face card, an ace and Benny. If dealt cards form a Farmer's Hand, the player has the option to exchange three cards or request a redeal.

Ace No Face

If enabled, Ace No Face rule is applied. Ace No Face is a hand consisting of one ace and four cards without face cards. If dealt cards from an Ace No Face, the player has the option to exchange three cards or request a redeal.

No ace, No face, No trump

If enabled and a hand lacks an ace, a face card, and a trump, the player has the option to request a redeal.

Defending Alone

If enabled, defenders can declare "alone". If the defenders win, they get four points.

Partner Takes Upcard

If enabled, when a maker does not take the upcard, the partner takes it.


If enabled and a player makes a mistake in a trick, the opponent wins all five tricks.


Automatic Card Flipping

If enabled, cards automatically flip over at the end of each trick. If disabled, they flip over by pressing the device screen.

Trick Arrow

Sets whether to show the trick arrow.

Card Selection

If "Once" is selected, a card is selected by pressing it once when discarding it or leading it to a trick. If "Twice" is selected, you need to press the white frame after selecting a card.

Sorting Hand

Configures the sorting of your hand.

Rearranging Hand

If enabled, the cards in your hand can be swapped.


If enabled, you can select a card by flicking it when discarding it or leading it to a trick.


Sets whether to display the scoreboard.

Trick Counter

Sets whether to display the trick counter.

Hand Monitor

Configures the hand monitors.